




True Vision Optometry Blog

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Benefits of Ortho-k Lenses for Myopia Treatment

Orthokeratology or corneal refractive therapy aims to lessen the symptoms of myopia. Wearing corrective lenses to slow down the progression of myopia may sound like a fairy tale, but it is a reality. The idea of ortho-k lenses is also not new. That said, ortho-k lenses are just beginning to make advances. Some of their benefits include:

What Is Myopia?

It’s not a word that most people use every day, but myopia is becoming an increasingly more common condition. Myopia, more commonly known as nearsightedness, is the inability to see objects clearly at a distance.

My Child Has Myopia—Now What?

Trouble seeing the board at school, frequent squinting, complaints of headaches, a rising amount screen time—whatever prompted you to schedule an eye appointment for your child, it was clear: something was wrong. Next, you learn that your child has myopia or nearsightedness. What do you do now?

Diagnosing and Preventative Care for Glaucoma

Glaucoma is estimated to affect around 3 million adults in the United States – a number that is predicted to grow over the coming decade. It’s just one of a range of different eye conditions that can develop during the course of our lifetime.

Does Screen Time Accelerate Myopia Progression?

The global pandemic has forced many children indoors causing a rapid rise in screen time. As screen time accelerates, so does concern among parents about the impact on their children’s eyesight.

Knowing When to Come in For an Eye Emergency

Accidents and emergencies can happen anywhere, at any time. They can also affect any part of the body, including the eyes. Some eye emergencies can be resolved fairly easily, while others are more serious and require urgent professional attention in order to preserve your vision and prevent any (further) sight loss.

Am I a Candidate for Scleral Lenses?

Contact lenses are a very popular and great alternative to wearing glasses. They give patients greater freedom and convenience, both with their appearance and their lifestyle. While most people can wear contact lenses, not everyone is suited for conventional contacts. If you have certain eye conditions, you may instead be recommended to consider specialty contact lenses, such as scleral lenses.

Does Myopia Worsen With Age?

Myopia or nearsightedness is the condition where an individual has difficulty seeing distant objects. Most people develop myopia in childhood, and the condition continues to worsen as kids enter their teen years, before potentially stabilizing in early adulthood. However, for some people, myopia can become worse. According to eye specialists, sudden myopia or nearsightedness during adulthood can indicate serious eye conditions.  

COVID-19 Precautions

We are following the guidelines put forth by the local and state health authorities as well as the CDC.

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We’re proud to announce the launch of our brand new website. The site was designed with you in mind and is chock-full of several useful features...

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