What Is Orthokeratology (Ortho-K), and How Does It Work?

What Is Orthokeratology (Ortho-K), and How Does It Work?

What Is Orthokeratology (Ortho-K), and How Does It Work?

What Is Orthokeratology (Ortho-K), and How Does It Work?

What Is Orthokeratology (Ortho-K), and How Does It Work?

Orthokeratology has grown in popularity in the past few decades, especially with its use for myopia control. Ortho-k lenses came into wide use after the FDA approved their nighttime use three decades ago.

Today, ortho-k is used by children who have just developed myopia to mitigate the condition's progression. However, many people still need to learn what ortho-k is and how it works to improve vision.

What Is Orthokeratology?

Ortho-k is an effective treatment option for myopia and other refractive errors using special contact lenses. It uses custom-fit lenses to temporarily and noninvasively provide clear vision independent of corrective eyewear.

The contacts work by letting you wear them while you sleep and wake up with near-perfect vision. The lenses are rigid, gas-permeable, and highly breathable to ensure that your cornea gets plenty of oxygen while you have the contacts on.

Corneal Refractive Therapy

Ortho-k can be referred to as corneal refractive therapy because it also involves reshaping the cornea. Also, both only provide temporary vision correction.


How Does Ortho-K work?

Many refractive errors occur due to changes in the structure of the eyeball and the cornea. The changes send light in the correct direction inside the eye, affecting how far or close you can see.

Ortho-K helps correct this by recovering the original structure of the cornea as much as it can. To get the right custom fit, the eye doctor will capture the shape of your eye surface using corneal topography. The topographical data helps them create different lenses that will change the shape of your cornea.

What Does It Treat?

Ortho-K lenses can correct various refractive errors, but they are much more impactful with myopia.

Eye doctors can prescribe the lenses for the following problems:
  • Astigmatism or mismatched corneal curves

  • Hyperopia, or farsightedness

  • Presbyopia or age-related farsightedness

Who Is a Good Candidate for Ortho-K?

Orthokeratology is an excellent option if you have astigmatism less than -1.75 diopters or less and refractive errors within -6.00 diopters to +2.00 diopters. However, the people with the best results for ortho-k are ultimately those with mild to moderate myopia because they achieve almost 90% vision correction.

You could explore Ortho-K if you are in one of the following situations:
  • Your child has just been diagnosed with myopia, and they need effective control options to slow down the condition's progression.

  • You work in a place where eyeglasses could be a hindrance, such as construction or in the military.

  • Using contact lenses does not cause any health issues, complications, or discomfort.

  • You do not qualify for refractive surgery.

  • You want the freedom that comes with LASIK, but you are still weighing whether LASIK is a good option for you.


How Long Does It Take to Work?

The main changes in the quality of vision will start the first night you stay with the lenses on. However, the change is incomplete until you make several more adjustments and keep using the lenses every night. After a few weeks, depending on the severity of your refractive error, you will have almost perfect vision.

For more on orthokeratology, visit True Vision Optometry at our Montebello, California, office. Call (323) 403-4116​​​​​​​ to schedule an appointment today.

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