7 Frequently Asked Questions About Acuvue Abiliti Lenses

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Acuvue Abiliti Lenses

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Acuvue Abiliti Lenses

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Acuvue Abiliti Lenses

7 Frequently Asked Questions About Acuvue Abiliti Lenses

Acuvue, a leading brand in the contact lens industry, has always strived to deliver the best for its users. Their commitment to enhancing the quality of life of those who need vision correction is evident in their array of products. Enter the Acuvue Abiliti, a revolutionary product that's set to transform how we view and manage our eye health.



What are Acuvue Abiliti Lenses?


Acuvue Abiliti Lenses are a unique and innovative addition to the Acuvue family. They are not just any ordinary contact lenses; they are designed to reshape the cornea while you sleep, effectively correcting your vision. This process, known as Orthokeratology or Ortho-K, allows you to enjoy clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or contact lenses.


These lenses are designed with the highest standards of comfort and safety in mind. They are made from a high oxygen-permeable material, ensuring that your eyes remain healthy even with overnight wear.


What sets Acuvue Abiliti apart is its precision. These lenses are custom-made, taking into account the unique characteristics of your eyes. This ensures a perfect fit and an optimal vision correction experience.



The Benefits of Using Acuvue Abiliti Lenses


The benefits of using Acuvue Abiliti lenses are manifold. The first and most obvious one is freedom. Imagine going about your day – playing sports, swimming, or simply enjoying the outdoors – without the hassle of glasses or daytime contact lenses. It's a liberating experience.


Secondly, Acuvue Abiliti offers a non-surgical solution to vision correction. It's a great alternative for those who are apprehensive about surgical procedures like LASIK. Plus, the effects of Ortho-K are reversible. If you stop wearing the lenses, your cornea will gradually return to its original shape.


Lastly, Acuvue Abiliti lenses can slow down the progression of myopia in children. This is a huge breakthrough in the management of myopia, a condition that's becoming increasingly prevalent among kids worldwide.



Frequently Asked Questions About Acuvue Abiliti Lenses


Now let's address some of the most frequently asked questions about Acuvue Abiliti lenses:


  • Are Acuvue Abiliti Lenses safe to use? Yes, these lenses are FDA-approved and safe for overnight wear. They are made from a highly breathable material, which allows ample oxygen to reach your cornea.

  • Can anyone use Acuvue Abiliti Lenses? Acuvue Abiliti lenses are suitable for both adults and children who need vision correction. However, it's essential to consult with an optometrist to determine if these lenses are the right fit for your specific needs.

  • How do I care for my Acuvue Abiliti Lenses? Just like any other contact lenses, these lenses require proper care and hygiene. Always wash and dry your hands before handling your lenses. Clean and disinfect them regularly using the recommended solution.

  • Is it comfortable to sleep with Acuvue Abiliti Lenses on? Most users report that they hardly feel the lenses while they sleep. However, there may be a short adjustment period as your eyes get used to the lenses.

  • How quickly can I expect results with Acuvue Abiliti Lenses? Most people notice significant improvement in their vision after a night or two of wearing the lenses. However, it may take a couple of weeks to achieve optimal results.

  • What if I stop wearing Acuvue Abiliti Lenses? If you stop wearing the lenses, your cornea will gradually revert to its original shape, and your vision will return to its previous state.

  • Where can I buy Acuvue Abiliti Lenses? Acuvue Abiliti lenses are available through authorized optometrists. It's important to remember that these lenses are custom-made, so an eye examination and fitting are necessary before you can purchase them.



Get Clear, Comfortable Vision with Acuvue Abiliti Lenses


Acuvue Abiliti lenses are a cutting-edge innovation in vision correction. They offer a unique, non-surgical solution that not only corrects your vision but also liberates you from the need for daytime glasses or contact lenses. Whether you're an active adult, a sporty teen, or a parent concerned about your child's progressing myopia, Acuvue Abiliti could be the answer you've been looking for.


If you’re interested in Acuvue Abiliti lenses, visit True Vision Optometry at our office in Montebello, California. Call (323) 403-4116 to schedule an appointment today.

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